
28 July - 9 September 2006

1.(noun) spun out filament of cotton, 2. (verb transitive) pick ones way through (maze, streets etc) 3. (noun) the ~ (course) of life, hang by a ~, be in a precarious state, 4. (noun) gather up the ~s; bring divisions of subject etc. into relation after separate treatment. 5. (noun) lose or resume or take up the ~ (sequence, connection) of an argument 6. (exhibition) a curated idea: to choose a starting point (Calder, Alexander) and move forwards from one place to the next to see where the ~ ends up.


All works of art, by the very nature of what they are, what they do, and why they exist, change the environment around them, but some do it more deliberately than others. This idea of the presence of things is what links the very diverse works in this exhibition, a certain playfulness, a willingness to look sideways. It is a mood expressed equally, if differently, by all the artists included here. The thread then, begins with the work of Alexander Calder, the 20th century art world's high priest of poise, position and fun. He provides the starting point for this meandering curatorial conversation which finds echo, comment or aside in works by Carl Andre, David Batchelor, Ian Davenport, John McCracken, Cornelia Parker, Smith/Stewart and Richard Wright.


Alexander Calder's film 'Circus' (1931) was screened continuously during the exhibition.