Peter Liversidge - Flags for Edinburgh, 2020

As Edinburgh begins to emerge from lockdown and we reflect on a period of unprecedented global change and upheaval, the Edinburgh Art Festival will present 10 artists from previous festival editions, to work with us to mark the dates of what would have been our 2020 festival from 30 July – 30 August.

Combining archival presentations chosen for their resonance in relation to the current context (local and global), alongside specially conceived responses, the selection includes online screenings and live performances as well as a small number of projects appearing in public sites around the city.


One such intervention will be the restaging of Peter Liversige's Flags for Edinburgh, which graced the city skyline during the Edinburgh Art Festival in 2013.


We are pleased to have hoisted one of Peter Liversidge’s HELLO flags above the Glasite Meeting House.


Peter Liversidge first staged the project in 2013, as part of the Edinburgh Art Festival programme; inviting buildings across the city to fly a white flag printed with the word “HELLO.” The flags return this year, flying from hotels, galleries, schools and public buildings, as the city emerges from the Covid-19 lockdown. The flags send a collective greeting from one institution and community to the next, and out to the wider world.


Alongside the project, Liversidge has created HELLO Postcards, a creativity kit for the festival‘s DIY Art series available to download for free through the Edinburgh Art Festival website.


Flags for Edinburgh coincides with the launch of Liversidge’s Sign Painting Studio at Jupiter Artland, where members of the public can order a placard to be painted and take away for free, created with Jupiter’s ORBIT Youth Council, a group of 16 to 18 year olds recruited from every corner of Scotland. Jupiter Artland are also looking for voluntary participants 12+ to parade Peter Liversidge’s flags around the Artland.


For more information and maps on where you can find all of the flags, please visit the Edinburgh Art Festival website below. For more information on the Liversidge’s Sign Painting Studio and Flag parades, please visit the Jupiter Artland website below. 


July 16, 2020