Moyna Flannigan | Janice Parker | The Nelken Line

Public Performance at Collective, Edinburgh

The Nelken Line | Moyna Flannigan & Janice Parker


Calton Hill

Edinburgh, EH7 5AA


Performance taking place 17th August 2024

Introductory sessions: 27th July, 2-4pm & 30th July, 6-8pm


Working with artist Moyna Flannigan and choreographer Janice Parker, Collective are inviting participants to take part in a public performance of Pina Bausch's dance work The Nelken Line. 


The Nelken Line, choreographed by Pina Bausch, is an iconic piece that encapsulates the four seasons through a sequence of simple gestures. As Moyna recalls: 


“On September 4th 1995 I saw Pina Bausch’s Nelken at the Edinburgh Festival. I’ve never been able to forget it. I’ve made paintings about it ever since….. The ‘line’ of well-drilled movement, a mass march, evokes awe, it was thrilling to see, marking the passage of time, past and present and walking into the future."


Collective are hosting two introductory sessions in advance of the performance on Saturday 27th and Tuesday 30th July. For more information, and to sign up, please visit the link below.


July 11, 2024